News and tools for engaging in literary activism, from ending book bans to supporting libraries and more.
As part of the settlement, the district admitted that AND TANGO MAKES THREE has value and is not obscene per Florida laws.
Academic libraries are a backbone to higher education but they're being gutted. That, plus this week's book censorship news.
Stephen King and Patricia Cornwell could mobilize their 8+ million followers against book bans, but they're not.
The bill is on the governor's desk and he is expected to sign it. The state joins several others who have passed anti-book ban bills.
The four Rs of book censorship are still censorship, even if some feel like a compromise to outright banning books.
The provisions in Florida's book ban bill disregard prevailing legal standards and restrict access to materials.
The new policy, passed under the guise of "protecting the children," is ripe for litigation for being discriminatory.
Public institutions of civic engagement like schools and libraries are on the ballot. Make sure you're prepared to vote.
Use this research to remind people that book bans are supremely unpopular and sought by a tiny fraction of American adults.
If passed by the library board next week, no one under the age of 17 in the county would be able to borrow books by or about trans people.