#Literary Activism

News and tools for engaging in literary activism, from ending book bans to supporting libraries and more.

Back This Project: A Menstrual Hygiene Comic for Girls in Rural India

Spotlighting an IndieGoGo for a comic that teaches girls to not be ashamed of their bodies.

Action Item: A Bookmobile for Middle Schoolers and Crayons for Kindergarteners

Throw some money at these classroom literacy projects.

Action Item: Diverse Classroom Libraries in SD & MD

Donate to these public classroom libraries!

Action Item: A Summer Book Mobile For Middle Schoolers and Activism History for Young Readers

Let's throw money at these projects.

Action Item: Classroom Libraries in MA and CA

Do some good by sending books to classrooms in need!

Action Item: Flood “Books N Bros” With Money

Let's throw money at Books N Bros.

Writing Our Way Out: How to Take Inspiration in the Time of Crisis, Via Lin-Manuel Miranda

How the work of Lin Manuel Miranda inspires writers to keep fighting the good fight.

Are Libraries Doomed? How Libraries are Funding Themselves

How libraries are attempting to raise their funding and provide necessary services in the face of Trump's budget cuts.

A Teacher’s Guide to Literary Activism in the Classroom

Tips to diversify your classroom in not-super-obvious ways!

‘Women, Their Rights, and Nothing Less’: Literary Activists of the Woman’s Suffrage Movement

Some of the best feminist writers of the U.S. suffrage movement.