Riot Headline The Most Read Books on Goodreads This Week


Beyond The Book: Some Unusual Gift Ideas For Word Freaks

Yes. Today is already December 18. And you know what that means: Hanukkah is only two nights away! Also, Christmas ...

Judge Me By My Cover: Finding the Perfect New Year’s Eve Date

For those of you who are like me – woefully single – the search is frantically on for a date ...

Best Books of 2011: Highs and Lows

I love this time of year. Not just for the holiday festivities, but for all the year-end “Best of…” lists. ...

Best Books of 2011: Category Standouts

I have been blogging for almost a year, and in that time, I have written a lot of “5 Best ...

Best Books of 2011: Damn It Feels Good to Be a Reader

2012 quickly approaches, so we’ve asked Book Riot contributors to share some of the best books they read in 2011. ...

More Overlooked Books from 2011

Whenever I write a post picking on some books, I always feel the need to follow it up with one ...

5 Great Multi-Purpose Gift Books

Books are some of the best multi-purpose, multi-people presents. When you spot an especially cool book, primed for gifting, don’t ...

Books That I Wish Had Been Better – 2011

In this season of “Best of” lists, I want to take this opportunity to talk about the also-rans, the books ...

Top 5 Most Overlooked Books of 2011

On Sunday, Flavorwire posted its list of the top 1o “most criminally overlooked books” of 2011. Since I haven’t read ...

2012 Tournament of Books: Final Forecast

You can have your Pulitzers. You can debate your National Book Awards and your Orange Prizes. You can argue over ...