Riot Headline The Best Amazon Prime Day Deals for Readers (UPDATED October 9)


21 Ways I Get My Hands on Books

21 Ways to find books these days. Which ones do you use?

10 Books to Read If You Like THE AMERICANS

10 Cold War novels, graphic novels, and nonfiction books to hold you over until the season premiere of THE AMERICANS.

Peek Over Our Shoulders: What Rioters Are Reading on March 17, 2016

See what Book Riot Contributors and editors are reading on this very day!

100 Must-Read Essay Collections

100 awesome essay collections you won't want to miss!

Ladies in Literature Who May Have Gone Too Far

Literary villains and the moments they crossed their personal Rubicons.

36 Recommendations for Audiobooks Read by Women

36 excellent audiobooks read by women authors, celebrities, and voice actors recommended by Book Riot for Women's History Month

7 Small Press Books to Read In March

Seven excellent books coming out this month from small presses!

175 Reading Recommendations for Books by PoCs

Riot Editor Swapna recommended 175 books by people of color for 1 Book/1 Like on Twitter. See the full list!

Out of Their Minds: 7 Books that Get Inside Your Head

Novels and nonfiction about mental illness and the brain for Brain Injury Awareness Month

5 Books I Can’t Give Up

One Rioter on the books she just can't give up, even though she believes in the great DNF.