Riot Headline 10 Exciting Books to Read this Summer


100 Must-Read Books of the American Midwest

100 excellent books with ties to the American Midwest.

7 Small Press Books to Read in April

Seven excellent books coming out this month from small presses.

Peek Over Our Shoulders: What Rioters Are Reading on April 15, 2016

See what the Riot contributors are reading right now, and tell us your picks!

Reese Witherspoon’s Book Recommendations

Ready your TBR pile: A round-up of Reese Witherspoon’s book recommendations and production company's book adaptations.

The Books that Made Us Ugly-Sob

What books are so sad that they have made you ugly-cry?

13 Awesome Library Displays

In honor of Library Week, here are 13 awesome library displays.

100 Awesome Things about Beverly Cleary on Her 100th Birthday

Happy birthday, Beverly Cleary!

Please Give These People Their Own Imprints

Inspired by the news that Lena Dunham is getting her own imprint, Rioters create their own wish list.

I Got Your Weird Right Here: 100 Must-Read Strange and Unusual Novels

100 of the best book recommendations for people who like to read strange, unusual, and downright weird books and novels.

The Best Comics We Read in March 2016

What were the best comics Panelteers read in March? Add some comics to your list!