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#Culturally Relevant

8 Beautiful Memoirs Written by Nonbinary Authors

Let's take a dive into LGBTQ+ non-fiction with these 8 raw and powerful memoirs written by nonbinary authors!

12 Amazing Queer Short Story Collections to Read Right Now

These queer short story collections span a wide range of genres form contemporary and historical fiction to sci-fi and fabulism.

Heather Has How Many Mommies? The Importance of Community to The Creation of HEATHER HAS TWO MOMMIES

How did HEATHER HAS TWO MOMMIES, one of the most challenged books in the US, come to be written?

LGBTQ+ Characters Triumph at the End of the World in These 8 Queer Dystopian Books

Dystopian fiction has come a long way. Here are eight queer dystopian books for a new take on a nostalgic genre.

7 Bookish Ways to Celebrate Pride

Pride Month might be almost over, but that doesn't mean the celebrations have to stop! Get ready to wave your rainbow book flag high.

12 Books By Up-And-Coming Trans & Nonbinary Authors

We can fight for LGBTQIA+ representation by combating literary censorship. Here are 12 up-and-coming trans and nonbinary authors to support.

10 2SLGBTQ+ Disabled Authors to Read This Pride Month

This month, don't forget to include disabled Two Spirit and LGBTQ people in your Pride TBR. Here's a good place to start.

8 Memoirs by LGBTQ Elders You Need To Read

The first Pride event in the United States was a riot. When learning about queer history, memoirs by LGBTQ elders are a great place to start.

The Best New Queer SFF for Your TBR

Check out some of the best new queer SFF to add to your 2022 TBR from bookish vampires to sci-fi adventures in space.

Gay from the Get-Go: 10 Books Where You Don’t Have to Wait for the Gay

We love a slow burn story but sometimes, what you want is a gay story you know is gay from the get-go.