Book bans are not only real, they're a threat to religious freedom. That, plus this week's roundup of book censorship news.
Why did Senator Salmon send districts in her jurisdiction the Moms For Liberty Book of Books and BookLooks?
One Iowa public school district is shutting its doors following laws that target public goods. Here's how it all connects to book bans.
Who is creating the filters and why are they necessary when materials already have a rating? The clarification that muddies the problem.
This made up rating system with no provenance or explanation of its development is supposed to help libraries how?
South Carolina's Department of Education even hired a Bob Jones graduate to lobby on behalf of their destructive bill using taxpayer money.
What happens at the schools does not stop at the schools. Book banners move the goal posts to the public library.
Seven states have put anti-book ban measures into law so far.
It's a clever way for Brave Books to sell $180 kits of their books to hosts and market their right-wing propaganda.
Learn from a team of library advocates in Alabama who took action against book bans in their community.