8 Books Like ATOMIC HABITS to Supersize Your Habit-Making Powers
I have to say, I got a little brain-horny when I read the title of this book for the first time: Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones. Not only was this gentleperson going to tell me how to build up new good habits and sweep my old ones out of the way, but he was suggesting proven methods — and it was going to be easy! I love easy! And boy did I love this book, and other books like Atomic Habits.
It offers more than just advice — you get tons of actionable steps you can follow to get yourself a habit built — and to bust bad habits.
Since reading this book I have built great habits, like scaling tall buildings in a single bound, responding to every bark from my dog with a confused bark of my own, and cleaning the cutting board immediately after smashing an avocado on it so that the smash remnants do not get dry and crusty and hard to clean.
I have kicked some crap habits to the curb, like keeping 1,000 tabs open on my computer, obsessively re-reading emails I’ve sent to make sure I don’t sound dumb/mean, and overwatering my plants. Still working on ending my “making stupid lists” habit, obvs.
So much have I loved this book that I’ve gathered a list of books like Atomic Habits and am sharing them with you! What an exciting time for us all. After this list, you can find even more books about habits here.
The Best Books like Atomic Habits

The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg
I’m pretty sure it’s against the law to write a list of books about habits and not include this book — and for good reason! It’s informative, interesting, and well-written. You’ll find tons of info on the science behind habits and realistic tips on how you can use that info to make real changes. Plus you get to read about the author’s need to eat a chocolate chip cooking every day at the same time —and how he broke himself of that need. Exciting, captivating stuff!

Change Your Schedule, Change Your Life: How to Harness the Power of Clock Genes to Lose Weight, Optimize Your Workout, and Finally Get a Good Night’s Sleep by Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar with Michelle D. Seaton
Well who doesn’t want to do all that subtitle goodness? According to the authors, that schedule you create to try and stay on top of things is actually much of the reason you have a hard time staying on top of things. They suggest a better way of organizing your day for you to maximize your potential.

Making Habits, Breaking Habits: Why We Do Things, Why We Don’t, and How to Make Any Change Stick by Jeremy Dean
Jeremy Dean is a psychologist and he’s here to show you what’s in his science brain. He examines some of the aspects of the mind that many people looking to build habits might overlook. With a focus on teaching us what we actually have control over, and what we have absolutely no control over, his goal is to get readers to adopt a habit so deeply that they no longer have to force it but do it automatically.

Better Than Before: Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday Lives by Gretchen Rubin
Just like her pals above (I don’t actually know if they are pals), Gretchen Rubin is interested in the latest research on habits — how to make them, how to break them, and how they work. Her focus is on making the small habits on a day-to-day basis that will help result in big changes down the road. Those small, daily habits you don’t think twice about might actually be what’s standing between you and your better self, according to Rubin.

Hello, Habits by Fumio Sasaki
Perhaps best known for his book Goodbye, Things, Sasaki says that his life changed completely when he embraced minimalism. But in order to do that, he had to first cultivate habits. Much like how his book Goodbye, Things instructed readers how to get rid of tangible goods they don’t need, this tome instructs us on how to get rid of those intangible things we don’t need — including bad habits. Using science and real-life examples, he shows the reader the truth behind supposed “willpower” and creates a detailed guide on how you can finally succeed in getting rid of bad habits and embracing the good ones.

A Year Of Positive Thinking: Daily Inspiration, Wisdom, And Courage By Cyndie Spiegel
It’s important for books like Atomic Habits to not only help break bad habits, but also help you build habits, and think about the habits you want to build. Once you do that, the next step is to then look for books specific to that habit. Case in point: positive thinking. If you want to build the habit of self-care and self-love, this book can help you get there. Follow along every day for a full year and see your thinking transformed.

Choosing to Prosper: Triumphing Over Adversity, Breaking Out of Comfort Zones, Achieving Your Life and Money Dreams by Bola Sokunbi
I would like to create a new habit in which I have lots of dresses as fantastic as the one Sokunbi is wearing in this photo, hello! But if I can’t have that, I will take the first-hand stories this book includes, with highlights the various challenges women of color face when working to create success in their careers and life. The author offers hands-on strategies that can help readers achieve their goals — and build success-forward habits along the way.

Mindful Relationship Habits: 25 Practices for Couples to Enhance Intimacy, Nurture Closeness, and Grow a Deeper Connection by S. J. Scott and Barrie Davenport
If you’re lucky enough to have a partner on this spinning blue planet, why not build some great habits together? The advice in this book involves practices that can help lead to enhanced intimacy, closeness, and connection. And if you read the books above before you get here, you’ll know this: regular practice is what leads to habit formation.
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