Bookish Pride Mugs for Celebrating All Year Long
This has been the longest June in a long time, hasn’t it? We’re wrapping up a Pride month that has been joyful but also one tinged with ongoing fear about the future for queer people in America. I don’t need to tell you this, and I also don’t need to say that celebrating queer folks is an all-year thing that begins at the voting booth, continues in school and library and community board meetings, and shows up everywhere along the way. We emphasize that libraries are safe places for ALL and we also acknowledge that showing up looks different for everyone. Maybe you’re at the board meetings to talk or maybe you’re writing a letter; both matter, both make a difference, and both require work and effort on everyone’s part. One other small thing you can do to celebrate queer people all year long is to identify yourself as part of or ally to the community. Again, acknowledging rainbow capitalism is important, but so, too, is in supporting queer people and creators.
All of that is to say, have you seen the fun bookish Pride mugs floating around? There are so many, and they offer an opportunity to enjoy your favorite warm beverage (or cold, I’m not judging how you drink your cold stuff) in a mug that celebrates queer people and/or supports their creative work.
Grab your wallet. It’s time to do some bookish Pride mug shopping.
Grab yourself a camper-style mug and declare your love of reading books of all stripes. $15.
You should read queer books and brag about reading queer books, too. $17.
Same message as above, but with a little bit of a different style. $17.
Because in America in 2023, that’s not a given. $8.
A nice take on the Reading Rainbow logo with love for queer books — and more importantly, queer people. $27.
And if you’d like a different take on the read the rainbow mug, here you go. $20.
Carry a queer bookshelf with you as you drink your beverage of choice. $18+, and as of writing, the supplies are very limited.
Absolutely no lies detected on this mug. $19.
I have an extremely complicated relationship with those trying to make money off the very real issue of book bans right now, but I have included a couple in this roundup because 1. they’re small creators, and 2. the messaging is important. We do need to care more about rising fascism than whatever the book boogeyman of the moment is (and if you want more, we have been writing on this very topic for several years now). Ban fascism, not books mug: $15.
No better time to read with Pride than 365/7. $15.
For me, this one is all about the neon, bright, fun, joyful coloring. $10.
Honestly? Probably not an insignificant contributor to it. (It’s very funny, y’all, even amid the reality of libraries being attacked over queer books). $35, assuming because it’s a really good quality mug that won’t be getting banged up or rusted any time soon.
Why not go back to the classics? This Sappho mug would make a wonderful addition to your collection. $19.
If you’re looking for something slightly more subtle, this rainbow book stack mug might do the trick. $25.
Now to end this roundup with three queer-themed mugs that are book-adjacent. They might not be as obvious as the above, but they’re too good to not include.
Fun fact: the Bible and being queer can be two things that coexist. I do love this middle finger, though, to the folks who refuse to accept that. $14.
The corgay word play is undeniably perfect. $20.
Stonewall was a riot. $18.