Fight Censorship With These Banned Book Goodies
I don't know about you, but this increased wave of book bans lately has had me a bit disheartened. I'm sure I'm not the only one. There are lots of big and small ways we can fight back against censorship. Book Riot's own Kelly Jenson has outlined some in her coverage of the ongoing book bans and others have discussed how teaching banned books like Alex Gino's Melissa or starting banned book clubs can have an impact. Those are all good, and important options.
But I also understand that if you're not a teacher or librarian or elected official, it can feel like there's only so much you can do. One small but incredibly meaningful thing almost all of us can do regardless of our work or social media reach or energy levels, is continue to raise awareness. More than anything, the people and groups continuing to push for book bans want us to ignore what's happening. But by sharing news about book bans, posting about the banned books we're reading, and talking with friends, we can make sure that book bans get the sort of public scrutiny and push back they deserve. And a perfect way to do that? By wearing it on your sleeve. And I mean that literally.
Shirts, pins, and stickers promoting banned books and fighting censorship are a great way to show your support and keep book bans in the public consciousness. And not only that, these banned book goodies I've collected from across Etsy are the perfect fashion statement, too. Find your ideal fit and start fighting back against censorship just by going out on the town.
Read Banned Books Shirt from New Trend Shirts
A shirt that says it all, and in a fashionable print, too. $13
Virginia Woolf Libraries Mug from Writer Life Designs
Virigina Woolf was a woman ahead of her time. She knew the importance of access to books, both then and now. $20
It's Never the Good Guys Banning Books Shirt from Millie Lane Tees
Well, uh, this shirt pretty much says it all, doesn't it? $28
Read Banned Books Button from Dottie and Caro
I want to pin one of these to my bag and my backpack and my jacket and every other piece of clothing I own. $3
Read Banned Books Sticker from SaguaroStickers
Slap these stickers all over to remind people that reading banned books is a good idea every day of the week. $3
Read Banned Books Mug from Plantiful Design Co
It's a well known fact that one can never have too many mugs, and this one supporting banned books would be the perfect addition to any collection. $24
Books Save Lives Shirt from Angie Pea
Truer words have never been spoken — or written — on a tee shirt. Remind everyone in your community of the importance of books and libraries with this colorful shirt. $30
Banish Book Bans Art from Shelley Couvillion
Custom artwork that also stands against book censorship? Now that's a winning combination. $23
Banned Books Reading Club Pillow from Addi Bett Designs
A pillow that's perfect for any reading nook or classroom library. $19
Black Read Banned Books Shirt from Saguaro Threads
Simple, bold, iconic. I want this banned books shirt in my closet ASAP. $24
Banned Books Club Mug from Finn and Fable
Whether you're starting an actual banned books club (and I think you should) or not, this mug is perfect. $16
History Should Not Be Censored Shirt from Chicanas Read
This shirt is 100% right and 100% relevant. $24
Don't Fahrenheit the Books Shirt from Narwood Clothier
A book reference and a statement about censorship? Yes, please. $13+
Banned Books Banner from Coreys Corner Shop
Personally, I think this banned books banner would look so cute in any classroom — especially for English and Reading teachers. Who's with me? $26
Ban Bigots Not Books Shirt from First Amendment Merch
Look, I think we can all agree the books aren't the problem. This shirt encourages you to ban the real problem: the bigots. $22
Dismantle Systems of Oppression Sticker from Salty Fox Printables
This holographic sticker would look perfect on just about any laptop or water bottle — and encourage everyone who sees it to dismantle systems of oppression. Win-win! $4
Read Banned Books Rainbow Shirt from She Makes Me Laugh
Does this shirt remind anyone else of The Reading Rainbow? Just me? Well, regardless I think it's safe to say that LeVar Burton would approve of the message. $21
It's a Good Day to Read Banned Books Mug from Sassy Sparkle Mugs
Cute and true! Every day is a good day to read banned books, and this mug will make sure everyone around you knows it. $20
Love these banned book goodies? Let's talk challenged / banned books: