Yashvi Peeti

Yashvi Peeti is an aspiring writer and an aspiring penguin. She has worked as an editorial intern with Penguin Random House India and HarperCollins Publishers India. She is always up for fangirling over poetry, taking a walk in a park, and painting tiny canvases. You can find her on Instagram @intangible.perception

8 Brilliant Books by Indian Authors Set In India

These books by Indian authors set in India offer a glimpse into the enormous diversity of this country and what it's like to live here.

8 Gorgeous Generational Family Fiction By Asian Authors

These books by Asian authors capture how culturally rich Asia truly is through the lens of multigenerational family fiction.

Do Self-Help Books Work? Do They Actually Help?

With the New Year, our focus shifts to self improvement. But do self help books work? We dig into the research and the best types to read.

8 Picture Books To Teach Growth Mindset

A growth mindset helps encourage kids to try new things and keep going even if they fail. Here are some of the best books to teach it, including Bella's Recipe for Success by Ana Siqueira and Geraldine Rodríguez.

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Poems About Coming Out To Read On National Coming Out Day

Everyone's experience coming out is different. These poems capture the fear, joy, backlash, and relief that comes with coming out.

8 Authors That Make You Feel Taken Care Of

Whether with poetry that tugs at the heartstrings or with careful, tender prose, some authors make you feel taken care of with their words.

20 Wonderful Wellness Books To Read In 2022

We could all use some perspective and advice, so here's a diverse list of the best wellness books to give just that!

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Why Do Books Make Us Feel Emotions?

How are words printed on paper or displayed on screens making the metaphorical tides in my heart rise and fall? Let's explore.