Tirzah Price

Most of Tirzah Price's life decisions have been motivated by a desire to read as many books as humanly possible. Tirzah holds an MFA in Writing for Children & Young Adults from Vermont College of Fine Arts, and has worked as an independent bookseller and librarian. She’s also the author of the Jane Austen Murder Mysteries, published by HarperTeen, and Bibliologist at TBR: Tailored Book Recommendations. Follow her on Twitter @TirzahPrice.

Cool Bookish Ideas for Your Bullet Journal

Are you familiar with bullet journals? It’s a style of journaling that organizes a journal into a hybrid diary/planner/to-do list ...

Reading Pathways: Melina Marchetta

I’m normally very resistant to naming favorites when it comes to books and authors, but when that inevitable “who’s your ...

Literary Tourism: Montpelier, VT

Bookish destinations in Montpelier, Vermont.

Why You Should Be Reading Sara Farizan

If you haven't yet read either of Sara Farizan's amazing YA books, here's why you should pick them up immediately.

4 Mysteries to Read While You Wait for Tana French’s New Novel

Mystery novels for fans of Tana French!

Will Work For Books: 5 Tips For Getting Hired at an Independent Bookstore

So, you want to be a bookseller. Well, who doesn’t want to get paid to work in a building full ...

Five Ways to Celebrate Life With More Books

Looking for a good excuse to celebrate with a new book? We've got some ideas for you!

4 Mysteries to Read While You Wait for Tana French’s New Novel

Mystery novels for fans of Tana French!

How To Up Your Book Browsing Game in 5 Easy Steps

A bookseller gives 5 tips for getting the most out of bookstore browsing.

Lord, Show Me How to Say No to This: 30 Thoughts Booksellers Have When In a Bookstore Not Their Own

Thirty thoughts booksellers have when they're in bookstores that aren't their own.