Tirzah Price

Most of Tirzah Price's life decisions have been motivated by a desire to read as many books as humanly possible. Tirzah holds an MFA in Writing for Children & Young Adults from Vermont College of Fine Arts, and has worked as an independent bookseller and librarian. She’s also the author of the Jane Austen Murder Mysteries, published by HarperTeen, and Bibliologist at TBR: Tailored Book Recommendations. Follow her on Twitter @TirzahPrice.

3 Great Memoirs Written (and Narrated) by Queer Women

Celebrate Pride Month and queer voices by reading these three captivating audiobook memoirs written and narrated by queer women.

All the Backlist! June 19, 2020

This week, Tirzah talks about two great backlist books, including two memoirs by trans women.

3 Great YA Books With Complicated Father Relationships

Father's Day is coming up, and we're celebrating by reading three books that feature complicated relationships between teens and their fathers.

5 Great Queer YA Books About Friendship for Pride

Celebrate Pride and find community with these excellent queer YA books about friendship featuring amazing, supportive, complicated relationships.

3 Great Queer YA Books by Black Authors

Continue to uplift Black writers while you celebrate Pride by adding these three queer YA books by Black authors your Pride reading list!

All the Backlist! June 5, 2020

This week, Tirzah talks about two great backlist books, including novels for kids and teens by Black authors.

10 Great June 2020 YA Releases to TBR

From exciting new debuts and new books from YA powerhouses, get ready to kick off summer with these ten must-read June 2020 YA books.

3 on a YA Theme: Standalone YA Fantasy Novels

Enjoy exploring other worlds without getting bogged down in long series arcs with these three great standalone YA fantasy novels!

All the Backlist! May 22, 2020

This week, Tirzah talks about two enemies-to-lovers YA rom-coms!

3 Great Recent YA Books Without Romance

Investigate a historical mystery, explore the powers of friendship, and face hard truths with these three YA books without romance!