Channel some feminine rage with horror about monstrous women, from witches to vampires to ancient spider beings.
Jared Lemus's debut short story collection GUATEMALAN RHAPSODY is full of vivid characters, crackling tension, and sharp wit.
Can't get enough true stories about cooking and eating? Check out these deliciously enticing books of nonfiction for foodies.
Three dynamic queer characters carve a place for themselves among Gilded Age New York's elite in Olivia Wolfgang-Smith's MUTUAL INTEREST.
The societal construct of gender is always evolving. Get up to date with these thoughtful books about gender.
Wear your bookish politics on your sleeve with these goodies for politically engaged readers.
Each of these books draws on some kind of fable or mythology to add a magical spark to the story.
Are book stacks taking over your home? Whether you have a tiny apartment or a larger space, these creative book storage options can help.
"As a writer, when I find myself creatively stuck, I turn to graphic novels and comics for inspiration. The visual storytelling and emphasis on dialogue can often help me get out of my head and approach a plot point or character in a new way."