Check out the book trailer for ON BRASSARD'S FARM, a story about leaving the urban sprawl for the wilds, from Daniel Hecht!
Check out this week's featured book trailer about a dog traveling in search of his lost master, TOMORROW By Damian Dibben!
Check out this week's featured book trailer THE LIAR'S GIRL by Catherine Ryan Howard!
Nobody enjoys organizing the file cabinet or weeding the bookshelves, but chores are bearable with a good book in your ears. Check out these stories to get you through your spring cleaning.
Check out this week's featured book trailer, ROSIE COLORED GLASSES By Brianna Wolfson!
You won't need a passport for this journey. Travel the globe and the realms of imagination with these ten great fantasy series from around the world.
Check out this week's featured book trailer, NEW YORK STATION by Lawrence Dudley!
Escape into worlds that look a lot like ours, but better because MAGIC. Here are 10 excellent contemporary fantasies you won't want to put down.
Riot readers sent in more than 65 of the best short story collections they've ever read, and we tallied up the votes!