Rachel Wagner

Rachel Wagner is a writer from New Jersey, currently living in Newark with her son. Her blog and more of her published writing can be found at rachel-wagner.com

When The Movie Is Different From The Book

During undergrad, I took a summer course on American fiction and film. We read three novels then watched the movies ...

How Do You Get Over a Book Hangover?

On struggling with a book hangover--the inability to move on, the grieving for characters whose stories have ended. So, how do you cope?

Having A Preference On The Shape Of Books

I care about the shape of books. I don’t have the attention span for ebooks or audiobooks. I wish I ...

On Books That Started as Blogs

Some of your favorite nonfiction might've started as a blog. Here are a few examples that influenced one reader's decision to start her own blog.

Books Borrowed and Never Returned

"But it’s also made me start being like, either I want to give that person the book or I’m keeping that shit." On the books we've lent and lost.

What to Read When You’re Expecting

Pregnancy can be a time of total information overload, most of which is contradictory or not helpful. Here are a few books to read when you're expecting that are actually helpful!

On Reading Prison Writing: Where To Find It and What To Read

A look at where you can read contemporary prison writing.

Read Harder 2018: Books Set In or About 1 of the 5 BRICS Countries

Looking for books to fulfill 2018 Read Harder Challenge task #5: books set in or about one of the five BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, or South Africa)? Peruse these titles.

Donate Books to People in Prison

Many organizations provide books to people in prison--we've rounded-up a few of their Amazon wish lists.

Overdue Library Books in Life and On Television

A reader who paid her library $40 for Rupi Kaur's MILK AND HONEY has some thoughts about overdue books and library tropes in comedy.

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