Rachel Rosenberg

Rachel Rosenberg has been writing since she was a child—at 13, she was published alongside celebs and fellow teens in Chicken Soup For the Teenage Soul 2. Rachel has a degree in Creative Writing from Montreal’s Concordia University; she’s been published in a few different anthologies and publications, including Best Lesbian Love Stories 2008, Little Fiction, Big Truth’s Re/Coded anthology and Broken Pencil magazine. She also appeared on the Montreal episode of the Grownups Read Things They Wrote As Kids podcast. Her day job is as a Children’s Librarian, where she digs singing and dancing with small humans.

9 of the Best Children’s Books About Libraries and Librarians

Celebrate some of our favorite bookish spaces and people with the tots through these children's books about libraries and librarians.

Kwame Alexander Creates WORDPLAY Digital Writing Series

Kwame Alexander has co-created WordPlay, a 10-episode digital series to help teach kids about writing.

The Art of the Vulgar Tongue: Slang’s Evolution

Ever wonder how slang terms originate and spread or stay regional? We're taking a look at the evolution of slang and what part the internet plays.

Explore These Totally Rad ’80s and ’90s Kids Book Series

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Quaranzines are Popular and Libraries are Noticing

Quaranzines collecting people’s quarantine experiences are growing in popularity, and provide important information, and libraries are noticing.

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It's Pride Month again and most of us are probably spending it inside--celebrate with these fiction and nonfiction LGBTQ+ middle grade books.

8 Great Picture Books Written by Librarians

Who better to write books than the book experts? Check out some excellent picture books written by librarians for their tiniest patrons.

Kid Lit Author Booki Vivat Encourages Mental Health Training With Comic

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How Indie Bookstores Fought Their Way Back

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Retell Me a Story: Classics Made Humorous

Meet new characters while revisiting comfortingly familiar narratives through these humorous versions of classics told in fiction and comics.