Rachel Rosenberg

Rachel Rosenberg has been writing since she was a child—at 13, she was published alongside celebs and fellow teens in Chicken Soup For the Teenage Soul 2. Rachel has a degree in Creative Writing from Montreal’s Concordia University; she’s been published in a few different anthologies and publications, including Best Lesbian Love Stories 2008, Little Fiction, Big Truth’s Re/Coded anthology and Broken Pencil magazine. She also appeared on the Montreal episode of the Grownups Read Things They Wrote As Kids podcast. Her day job is as a Children’s Librarian, where she digs singing and dancing with small humans.

6 Times Late Lost Library Books Found Their Way Home

Better late than never, right? These lonely library books made it back home eventually—it just took 40+ years.

Pride Is Nearly Here: New LGBTQ+ Picture Books

New LGBTQ+ picture books to put on your shelves, because it's essential to show children various ways to be happy and true to themselves.

Nobuko Yoshiya: 1920s Revolutionary Lesbian Novelist

Nobuko Yoshiya was a wealthy, successful novelist who was out as a lesbian in Japan in the 1920s. So why isn't she a famous queer icon?

It Began With a Sneeze: Magnetic Poetry’s Origin Story

Magnetic poetry was fairly ubiquitous in the '90s. Its inspirations, which include an avant grade art movement, may surprise you.

Reading Authentically: The Current State of Diversity in Picture Books

There are more picture books being published now that feature children of color, but are authors and illustrators of color writing them?

Clara Stanton Jones: Librarian and Advocate

On the life and legacy of Carol Stanton Jones, the first Black woman to serve as director of a central public library system in the US.

Best Dyslexia-Friendly Books for Kids

From picture books to chapter books and nonfiction, these books for kids with dyslexia are great to get started with, like Grandpa Bert and the Ghost Snatchers by Malorie Blackman and Melanie Demmer.

They’ve Got Rhythm: Interactive Musical Books for Toddlers

By exposing toddlers to various tempos, their sense of rhythm begins to develop. Do it now with these interactive musical books for toddlers.

Fairytale Board Books To Amaze Your Little Ones

Share the wonderful world of fairy tale board books with the youngest readers in your life.

Fixating on Cult Books: Why Do They Obsess Us?

A reader examines the appeal and impact of cult books, reads that create a cultural moment and inspire continuous devotion for years.