Rachel Rosenberg

Rachel Rosenberg has been writing since she was a child—at 13, she was published alongside celebs and fellow teens in Chicken Soup For the Teenage Soul 2. Rachel has a degree in Creative Writing from Montreal’s Concordia University; she’s been published in a few different anthologies and publications, including Best Lesbian Love Stories 2008, Little Fiction, Big Truth’s Re/Coded anthology and Broken Pencil magazine. She also appeared on the Montreal episode of the Grownups Read Things They Wrote As Kids podcast. Her day job is as a Children’s Librarian, where she digs singing and dancing with small humans.

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These sweet picture books for shy kids are great tools to teach kids what shyness means and support them without making them feel judged.

What Not To Say to Public Librarians

I wish I could tell you whether it's nice to read all day, but that's my job, so I can't. And no, you can't eat pizza over the books.

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This unique comic book stores across the United States have so much more to offer than just comics.

The Bookish Life of Rhiannon Giddens

Rhiannon Giddens is an award-winning American folk musician whose work has centered the lives and history of Black Americans.

Would You Call That Happily Ever After? Strange and Obscure Fairy Tales

Bones in a cauldron, rats with self-esteem, and anthropomorphized sausage: these strange fairy tales are not the stories you're used to!

Lesser Known Queer Literary Icons

The histories of these queer literary icons — who advocated through writing and books — should be part of the mainstream conversation.

An Honour to Be Nominated: A Guide to Major Book Awards

In this guide to major book awards, historical background is given, as well as categories, processes, and timelines.

Go for the Moon: Children’s Books about the Moon

From calming stories to nonfiction facts about our celestial neighbor, these are the best children's books about the moon to read, including Moon: A Peek-Through Picture Book by Britta Teckentrup.

How to Catch a Star: Why I Love Oliver Jeffers’ Books

Oliver Jeffers doesn’t shy away from the bad parts of life in his books, but he perfectly encapsulates the magic of the good stuff.

Their Favourite Songs: Books With Music Playlists

From songs that inspired the author's writing process to ones woven into the plot, these books with music playlists are a layered treat.