Peter Damien

Peter Damien has been reading since time out of mind, writing for a very long time, and been hopelessly lost to a disgraceful addiction to tea for a few years now. He writes short stories, comics, a lot of articles, and novels at an achingly slow pace. When not staring at words, he spends a lot of time in the woods, as befits a man of his hairstyle. He lives with a billion books, a tolerant wife, too many animals, and also two small boys. When it comes to writing, the small boys are, frankly, no help whatsoever. You can find Peter on Twitter, if that's the kind of thing you're into. Twitter: @peterdamien

Glorifying the Working Class Writers

On spending more time appreciating writers from the working class.

Beyond Harry Potter Bookstore Parties

Harry Potter bookstore parties were awesome. Why don't we do that for other books?

Baffled By Favorite Book Lists

Why one Rioter is incapable of picking books for "best books of the year" lists. Or any lists.

Gothic Fiction and The Castle of Otranto

On the bonkers-bananasness that is The Castle of Otranto

A Very Muppet Harry Potter

A dream-re-casting of Harry Potter. With Muppets.

A Very Muppet Harry Potter

A dream-re-casting of Harry Potter. With Muppets.

Stopping By Baker Street: The Sherlock Holmes Exhibition

A peek at the Pacific Science Center's Sherlock Holmes Exhibition

The Trouble with Very Long Books

On the pressure of finishing big books, bookish social media, and loving them both.

In Praise of Expanded Universes

Why tie-in novels of sci-fi/fantasy/otherwise fictional universes are valuable.

Riot Round-Up: The Best Books We Read in July

The best books our contributors and editors read in July 2016!

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