Oh, Comics! is a weekly chat show about the wild and wooly world of comics, hosted by Paul Montgomery and Preeti ...
We reveal our May book of the month for the Oh, Comics podcast: PREACHER, Book One.
Paul discusses what's on his pull list this week and the new comics he's looking forward to.
Oh, Comics! is a weekly chat show about the wild and wooly world of comics, hosted by Paul Montgomery and Preeti ...
Oh, Comics! is a weekly chat show about the wild and wooly world of comics, hosted by Paul Montgomery and Preeti ...
Oh, Comics! is a weekly chat show about the wild and wooly world of comics, hosted by Paul Montgomery and Preeti ...
Paul discusses reading and writing diversity outside his own experience, and why it's an asset, rather than a quota to be filled.
Oh, Comics! is a weekly chat show about the wild and wooly world of comics, hosted by Paul Montgomery and Preeti ...
Oh, Comics! is a weekly chat show about the wild and wooly world of comics, hosted by Paul Montgomery and Preeti ...
Announcing the April Oh, Comics Book of the Month: The Art of Charlie Chan Hock Chye by Sunny Liew