Patricia Thang

Patricia Thang is an educator located in Los Angeles. Though a native Angeleno through and through, her heart also belongs to Tokyo, where much of her family is from. Besides books, she is an enthusiastic devourer of many things, including podcasts, television, and J-pop. She realizes there’s not enough time in the world to consume all of that content, but she’s trying anyway. Other endeavors to which she has dedicated herself include cuddling her dogs until they’re annoyed and taste-testing every vegan ice cream she can find. Twitter: @aintnopthang

What Happened When I Exclusively Read Books with Dogs on the Cover

One reader's experience of reading lots and lots of dog books (that aren't all about dogs, surprisingly)

Lessons from Winnie-the-Pooh for the Soon-to-Be President

Lessons from our favorite bear on National Winnie-the-Pooh Day for PEOTUS.

An Adaptation of THE HANDMAID’S TALE You Didn’t Know You Needed

Check out the audio adaptation of The Handmaid's Tale from the Secrets, Crimes & Audiotape podcast.

On Deciding to Become a Different Type of Reader

How reading less to escape and more to expand her thinking is changing one reader's life.

An Open Letter to the Teacher Who Encouraged Me to Write


Snoopy Museum Tokyo: A Must-Visit For Any Peanuts Fan

Peanuts fans are going to want to visit the Snoopy Museum Tokyo.

Bob Dylan’s Nobel Prize in Literature, From a Music Lover’s Perspective

Why Dylan's Nobel Prize in Literature is both an honor, and not enough of one.

Reading Pathways: David Sedaris

Where to start with the work of humorist David Sedaris.

Confessions of a Behind-the-Times Book Nerd

One reader on being left behind by the book world.

Bookstagram Accounts for Dog Lovers

Instagram accounts that combine the best of the worlds of dogs and books.

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