Nicole Froio
Nicole Froio is a Brazilian journalist currently based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She writes about feminism, human rights, politics, mental health issues, pop culture, books and the media. She was born in São Paulo but moved a lot as a kid, which hinders her ability to root down in only one place in adulthood. Her favorite genres of book are fantasy, YA fiction, romance and any book that requires the main character to find themselves. An avid intersectional feminist, her tolerance for bigotry is extremely low.
Blog: Words by Nicole Froio
Twitter: @NicoleFroio
Describe Yourself in Three Literary Characters
Nicole Froio
September 29, 2016
Make the meme bookish!
On Holding Women Memoirists to an Unfair Higher Standard
Nicole Froio
September 6, 2016
A reader on realizing she was expecting perfection from women memoirists in a way she did not from their male counterparts.
#Women_writers Carves a Safe Space for Women Writers Online
Nicole Froio
September 5, 2016
The #women_writers Twitter chat is working to decrease sexism in the lit world
The Origins of Spirit-Written Books in Brazil
Nicole Froio
August 19, 2016
On the large market in Brazil for books written by spirits and psycho-translated by mediums.
Oppression, Rio de Janeiro, and the 2016 Olympic Games: A Reading List
Nicole Froio
August 8, 2016
Five books to read to learn more about the politics of the Olympics and the structural oppression in Rio.
Oprah’s Book Club’s Newest Pick is Colson Whitehead’s Underground Railroad
Nicole Froio
August 2, 2016
Take a look at Oprah's newest book club pick!
Sexism Killed My Interest in The Shadow of the Wind
Nicole Froio
How one-dimensional female characters and sexism ruined one reader's experience of The Shadow of the Wind
Our Personal Tales of Book Abuse
Nicole Froio
June 15, 2016
Rioters confess their bad book habits, from spilling coffee on tomes to letting pet rabbits nibble on them.
Emma Watson’s Feminist Book Club: We Are All Learning Together
Nicole Froio
May 31, 2016
It's been three months since Emma Watson launched a feminist book club called Our Shared Shelf. Here's a look at how it's going so far.
Libraries Are My Safe Space
Nicole Froio
May 27, 2016
Libraries are more than information centers; they give us a place to escape and feel safe.