Molly Wetta
Molly Wetta is a feminist Gemini vegetarian librarian. She is employed by a public library in a liberal Midwestern college town selecting young adult literature, media, and graphic novels while also managing the library's Twitter and Tumblr, which is fortunate, as her aspirations of being a professor of Buffy Studies didn't pan out. When not working, she is most likely reading existential Russian novels, regency romances, comics, queer YA, or cereal boxes. Sometimes she finds time to volunteer at her local domestic violence shelter or watch CW shows on Netflix with her cats: Spike, Angel, and Furiosa. Challenge her to a game of Candyland or Risk at your own peril, as she is a very competitive player of board games.
Twitter: @molly_wetta
Vegetarian Cookbooks Even Carnivores Will Love
Molly Wetta
August 25, 2017
Vegetarian cookbooks for meat eaters, herbivores, and everyone in between!
12 Mythology-Inspired Young Adult Novels
Molly Wetta
August 24, 2017
There's something for every fan of mythology in this eclectic list of YA novels inspired by myths and legends.
New Maurice Sendak Picture Book Discovered
Molly Wetta
July 7, 2017
As a librarian who once dreamed of working in archives but now works with children, the news that a long-lost ...
Annual Reminder that Graphic Novels are “Real” Reading
Molly Wetta
June 12, 2017
Yes, reading graphic novels and comics "count," and yes, you should let your kids read them.
Andy Weir’s New Novel Artemis Hits Shelves This November
Molly Wetta
May 9, 2017
Andy Weir announces his next book (which already has a movie deal!)
An Interview with Laini Taylor, Author of Strange the Dreamer
Molly Wetta
April 4, 2017
We talk fantasy, politics, and and librarianship with Laini Taylor, author of Daughter of Smoke and Bone and the new book Strange the Dreamer.
Watch the New WONDER WOMAN Origin Trailer
Molly Wetta
March 13, 2017
It's heerrreeee!
11 Of The Best Mexican Authors To Read Right Now
Molly Wetta
February 27, 2017
Excellent writers from Mexico to read right now.
Blind Date with a Book: Young Adult Edition
Molly Wetta
February 8, 2017
Click on whatever description interests you most, and get reading!
A Russian History Reading List
Molly Wetta
February 6, 2017
A guide to learning about Russian history, from the revolution to Putin.
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