(Ed.’s note: Chuck Wendig endorses this post. Sort of. https://twitter.com/ChuckWendig/status/1105083135228870656 Proceed accordingly.) Sleepwalkers that explode if they’re impeded. A comet ...
“Does anyone want to participate in a book exchange?” A Facebook friend recently posted this message on her page. My ...
Ellie Arroway believes in science, not deities. She also believes that the universe is teeming with other living beings—otherwise, isn’t ...
We rounded up some of bookish Twitters responses to the question: "If you weren’t allowed to swear in on a religious text, what book would you use?"
What might be in another version of this world? Explore possibility with these recent and forthcoming indie books about multiverses.
In 2013, I was still fairly new to book reviewing. When I requested Alice Walker’s book, The Cushion in the ...
We've got a list of eight great recent Jewish books here that you can go out and gelt immediately, or gift to your loved ones.
You’re walking along minding your own business and you run smack dab into an elf. Or you’re fiddling with your ...
Stack "reading lists that only featured white men" next to Toys-R-Us and blood diamonds.
For those of you who know that rainy Sundays are for binge watching your favorite nineties television shows, I present: ...