Channel some feminine rage with horror about monstrous women, from witches to vampires to ancient spider beings.
Romance novels cause debate, and they always have. There are regular arguments about if they are the correct books to ...
An introduction to Book Riot's newest newsletter highlighting Latine literature, and a celebration of underrated Latine women authors.
A provocative LLM-generated story, Percy Jackson Season three is a go, and more of the day's top book news.
Jeff and Rebecca debrief a little about their live recording at Powell's last week before talking about Meta Streisanding itself, the exciting/scary news of Scorsese's for actual life Gilead adaptation, and more of the week's book news.
What the Executive Order slashing the Institute of Museum and Library Services means, how it will impact you, and what you should do right now to stop the cuts.
Female serial killers through history, a shy Irish mortician, a tale from Slavic folklore, and more of today's best book deals
Spring is just about here (already, somehow), and with it is coming list after list of spring releases to look ...
An accessible book to inspire you to get back into your creative habits.
Since starting at Book Riot, I’ve found myself reading more and more out of my comfort zone. So much so ...