Riot Headline Book Riot’s 2025 Read Harder Challenge

Jessica Yang

Jessica grew up in Silicon Valley, yet somehow ended up rather inept at technology. She dreams of reading luxurious novels all day in a greenhouse, and is guilty of writing puns for money. Majoring in Japanese and English literature made her both wary and weary of the Western canon. She can be bribed with milk tea. Follow her on Twitter @jamteayang.

No Man is an Island: Changing Your Opinion About a Book

If you change your opinion on a book because of a review or a comment or a friend... is it really your opinion?

10 Boba and Book Pairings

Get your boba and book fix in this list of 10 boba tea and book match-ups.

Growing Up With The Monkey King

One reader reminisces about growing up reading about the monkey king of JOURNEY TO THE WEST fame, and discusses the books inspired by the myth.

Does Rereading Count As Reading?

One reader muses on whether rereading old favorite books really counts as reading or not.

Who Should You Fight: Japanese Modernist Author Edition

In a strictly theoretical round of fisticuffs, who would win in a fight?

Queer Superheroes in YA Lit

Queer superheroes are flying into YA lit! Have you read any of these books?

Finding Queer PoC Books

One reader shares tips on how to find queer PoC books.

Books that Deserve the CRAZY RICH ASIANS Movie Treatment

One reader reflects on the movie casting of the book CRAZY RICH ASIANS and picks other books that deserve the same amazing treatment.

Books for Fans of The Queen’s Thief Series

If you love The Queen's Thief series by Megan Whalen Turner, you might want to add these other books to your shelf.

Searching for Taiwan in YA Lit

One reader reflects on the representation of Taiwanese people in YA lit.