Jen Sherman

Jen is an urban and cultural geographer who did a PhD on public libraries and reading. As a researcher, her interests are focused on libraries, reading, book retailing and the book industry more broadly. As a reader, she reads a lot of crime fiction, non-fiction, and chicklit. And board books. All the board books. You can also find her writing about books for children and babies at Instagram: shittyhousewife / babylibrarians Twitter: @jennnigan

Introducing My Toddler to The Baby-Sitters Club

A Baby-Sitters Club fan on the experience and journey of introducing her very young reader to BSC through the Little Sister graphic novels.

Using Books to Teach My Children About Their Other Country

One reader on keeping the family's Australian heritage alive through sharing Australian books with her children.

The Baby-Sitters Club, From Novels to Graphic Novels

We're taking a look at the Baby-sitters Club graphic novels and learning about how they were adapted and updated from the novels.

12 Great (Mostly) New Picture Books for Earth Day

Celebrate national parks, trees, and all of the beauty and bounty nature provides with these inspiring picture books for Earth Day.

6 Fantastic Picture Books About Vehicles

Books about heavy things with wheels is practically a sub-genre children's literature. Here are a handful of toddler-approved picture books about vehicles.

New Picture Books About Parental Love Even A Grumpy Cynic Will Enjoy

Even readers who are cynics will fall for these new picture books about parental love.

How to Raise a Reader (Does Anyone Actually Know?)

Does surrounding your child with books, reading to them regularly, and keeping a bookish household guarantee that you'll raise a reader?

The Big Cities Little Foodies Children’s Series Creators on Representation

The creators of the BIG CITIES LITTLE FOODIES children's book series talk representation and exploring the locations, food, and culture of Asia.

6 Great Search and Find Books That Aren’t WHERE’S WALLY (Waldo)

We all know Where's Waldo (or Wally for some), but there are myriad search and find books out there to challenge the kids with a fun activity.

My Top 21 Baby-Sitters Club Books: A Definitive, Objective, Unbiased Guide

Using a totally scientifically rigorous method, one reader chooses the 21 best Baby-sittter's Club books.

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