What are some of your favorite YA books about grief?
"...an estimated 300 books about queer men were published in the United States between 1940 and 1969."
"She, too, was gaslit and gatekept into believing she was a girlboss, and she spread that toxicity around."
Wrestling with the ethics of biofiction, or fiction pulled from real people's lives.
Most feminists know of Audre Lorde, but one of her closest friends is often lost between the lines of history: Pat Parker.
Ghostwriting is a tradition that has been around since the 5th century, and has carried into the present day. But does it delegitimize a work?
On the power of a queer book worm in teen media, as seen through HEARTSTOPPER's Isaac.
Why is it that Garfield comics, with their simple illustrations and everyday setting, have endured as a favorite of kids for decades?
Working at the library that was my safe haven has been satisfying in a way I’d never experienced. It went beyond satisfaction to healing.
Despite how women's fiction is viewed, women account for 80% of fiction sales, which begs the question: where would fiction be without women?