What does your inner narrator look and sound like? See if you relate to these eight different narrator types, maybe even a mix of a few.
So you want to read more, but that pesky phone always gets in the way. Here are some tips to help you put down the phone and pick up a book.
Love books? How about libraries? These libraries that look like books combine two of every readers' favorite things in bookish architecture.
Daydreaming is good for you! If you're out of practice, though, here are great books to help you daydream.
Ever wanted to have a date night in a bookstore? Enjoy a private pizza party inside a bookstore? These experiences are out there!
Grow your future travel wishlist with a quick tour two bookstores in Seoul: its oldest bookstore as well as an underground bookstore.
In love with Diana Wynne Jones's classic fantasy novel? Indulge in your fandom with these charming Howl's Moving Castle gifts.
If you want to celebrate books and reading, you're in luck! We're highlighting some great literary holidays with tips for celebrating.
Get to know the brand new Banned Books museum, located in Estonia.
How reading The Little Prince as an adult helped one reader find wonder and escapism in a tumultuous year.