Elisa Shoenberger

Elisa Shoenberger has been building a library since she was 13. She loves writing about all aspects of books from author interviews, antiquarian books, archives, and everything in between. She also writes regularly for Murder & Mayhem and Library Journal. She's also written articles for Huffington Post, Boston Globe, WIRED, Slate, and many other publications. When she's not writing about reading, she's reading and adventuring to find cool new art. She also plays alto saxophone and occasionally stiltwalks. Find out more on her website or follow her on Twitter @vogontroubadour.

The Most Shocking First Lines of Mystery Novels

Some books hook you from the very first line. Here is a look at the most shocking first lines of recent mysteries and thrillers.

What Murder Mysteries Get Wrong about Gardens and Poisonous Plants

Murder mysteries and gardens go together like icing and cake. But what ways to mysteries different from the real world?

If You Like the Podcast OLOGIES, Read These Books

If you are a fan of Alie Ward's podcast OLOGIES, here's a list of eight books by various ologists, including cynology and halloweenology.

A Dive into Pop Culture Cookbooks

These days, there's a cookbook for practically every franchise. We talk to two writers behind cookbooks for Tolkien and H.P. Lovecraft.

The Best and Worst Tropes in Murder Mysteries

Explore some of the best and worst tropes in murder mysteries from locked rooms to withholding clues from the readers.

8 Books to Read after Listening to the Podcast EMPIRE

After you've listened to the EMPIRE podcast, these history and historical fiction books will deepen your understanding of the subject.

JewCE: Center for Jewish History Opens Jewish Comics Experience

This month, the Center for Jewish History opened JewCE! The Museum and Laboratory of the Jewish Comics Experience.

QUIZ: Which Fictional Librarian are You?

What kind of fictional librarian are you? Are you a warrior librarian or a witch? Do you play strictly by the rules or do you break them?

If You Liked These Great British Bake Off Contestants, Check out These Fiction Books

If you loved these Great British Bake Off Contestants, you'll love these eight fiction books for fans of Great British Bake Off, including The Secret Lives of the Amir Sisters by Nadiya Hussain.

Why Do Writers Use Different Pen Names for Genres?

Why and how do genre fiction writers use different pen names? We talk to three authors about how they use pen names.