One woman discusses the collections and exhibitions of her two favorite libraries in the world: The British Library and the Newberry Library
A Chicago woman's list of her top five favorite Chicago based female comic book artists, writers, and publishers
A reader considers her all-consuming love for murder mysteries, and her intolerance and dislike for any media involving serial killers.
What is flash fiction, and where you can find the best flash fiction stories by women, like Isabel Allende, Lina Rather, and more.
One woman's meditation about the importance that Douglas Adams played on her development and life. She tries to pay tribute to his gravesite.
When you find an author you love, do you read everything by them, or do you read around? An exploration of one woman's reading habits.
A list of six books with inventive structures such as extensive and critical use of footnotes, alternative chapters, PowerPoint, and more.
Five delicious books about the history of food throughout the world including the world of wine, noodles, forks, tea, and flavors.
On a business trip, a woman memorializes Edgar Allen Poe by bringing him red roses to his grave in Baltimore, and discusses his impact on her life.