Dana Staves

Going through life with an apron tied on and a pen in her hand, Dana Staves writes about books and food. She also writes a little fiction. She lives in Maryland with her wife, their son, and their cat.

43 Short Poems to Sneak More Poetry Into Your Life

Short poems for when you need a quick poetry fix.

I Learned About Radical Acceptance From Children’s Books

How one reader seeking the tools to practice therapist-recommended radical acceptance found them in a surprising place: children's books.

Macmillan Walks Back Ebook Embargo

Macmillan Publishers has announced they will return to the library ebook pricing model that was in place October 31, 2019.

Lesbian Romances for the Uprising: WLW Recommendations

Is this stonewalling of an entire group of authors on the basis of their (sapphic) sexual orientation, the reason why there are far fewer lesbian romances?

A Brief (and Admittedly Incomplete) History of Cookbooks

From ancient Mesopotamia to the year's most popular cookbooks, this brief (and admittedly incomplete) history of cookbooks examines our culinary roots.

What are Preorders, and Why Do They Matter?

Whether it's through your local bookstore, online retailers, or your local library, book preorders help authors succeed and give you a voice in publishing.

ALL Obama Book Recommendations Through the Years

President Barack Obama book recommendations, from his years in office and the years since, including recs for his daughters.

Reading Comics Is Not Cheating

A reader on feeling like she was cheating on her Goodreads Challenge by reading comics.

Best Friendships in Romance Novels

Let's celebrate the best friendships in romance novels--the platonic network of side characters who help make the romance happen.

3 Baseball Romances For Your TBR

If you've dreamed of becoming a Rockford Peach, or you have a soft spot for hot dogs and beer, you need these 3 baseball romances for your TBR this season.

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