While we at the Riot take some time off to rest and catch up on our reading, we’re re-running some of ...
An annotated edition of Fight Club with David Foster Wallace-style footnotes provided by all my worst boyfriends. A transcript from ...
My favorite scene in Cristina Moracho’s exceptional YA debut, Althea & Oliver, is less than a page long, and I’ve ...
The greatest injustice of my adolescent life came when I was 16 and one of my closest friends patiently endured ...
What event in your life thus far has been the most critical to your personal development, and how did that ...
In the Jane Austen-novel of my mind, I often pair up whoever writes the movie summaries for the On Demand ...
There’s few events in life that can’t be improved by gambling, and baby showers are not among them. I walk ...