Brenna Clarke Gray

Part muppet and part college faculty member, Brenna Clarke Gray holds a PhD in Canadian Literature while simultaneously holding two cats named Chaucer and Swift. It's a juggling act. Raised in small-town Ontario, Brenna has since been transported by school to the Atlantic provinces and by work to the Vancouver area, where she now lives with her stylish cyclist/webgeek husband and the aforementioned cats. When not posing by day as a forserious academic, she can be found painting her nails and watching Degrassi (through the critical lens of awesomeness). She posts about graphic narratives at Graphixia, and occasionally she remembers to update her own blog, Not That Kind of Doctor. Blog: Not That Kind of Doctor Twitter: @brennacgray

10 Things to Say When Someone Is Surprised You Read Comics

You know it when it happens. That moment when you start talking animatedly about your favourite comics title and someone ...

10 Things to Say When Someone Is Surprised You Read Comics

Snarky comebacks should you find yourself in this situation.

In Praise of Jane Cabrera

One new parent takes a deep dive on Jane Cabrera, her baby's favourite author.

Mea Culpa, Library; Mea Maxima Culpa

One Rioter issues a series of mea culpas to the library she loves and relies upon.

7 Reviews of Classic Literature (by a 6-month-old)

A 6-month-old baby reviews works of classic literature.

When “Due Process” Is a Demand for Silence: #UBCAccountable and the Scandal Rocking Canadian Literature

Margaret Atwood has signed her name to #UBCAccountable, a letter many perceive as silencing sexual assault complainants. Mind blown yet?

In Praise of Putdownable Books

Sometimes, your life isn't structured for unputdownable books. This is a post about the kind of books that fit your life when nothing else does.

Comics Fetish: Volume 93

Enjoy a round-up of cool comics-related stuff to buy and wear and gift and share.

8 Unmissable Books by Indigenous Authors Living in Canada

Suggested reads from north of the 49th parallel to help you observe the International Day of the World's Indigenous People.

Comics Fetish: Volume 91

Welcome to a baby-themed edition of Comics Fetish! Because we need to start the indoctrination early.

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