Riot Headline The Best Amazon Prime Day Deals for Readers (UPDATED October 9)

Antoinette Scully

Master plate-spinner, Antoinette Scully is a bookish extrovert with an M.A. in Teaching who believes the world of education is bigger than any classroom. She uses her "free time" to read and blog about Black authors and indie books on her site Born and raised in the not-so-mythical town of Eatonville, FL, Antoinette now lives in Los Angeles with her husband and two kids.

A Millennial Book List for Black Liberation

Are you a millennial who wants to join the revolution but still unclear on how to talk about race? Here is a list of books for you.

An Angry Author Reminded Me of the Healing Power of Representation

A reader responds to a YA author who didn't like what she called an “obsession with diversity” in publishing, and discusses the importance of representation.

Two Books I Revisit and Recommend Every Year

What books do you reread every year?

Praise For 5 Adult Novels I Read Before Adulthood

A case for allowing kids to read adult novels before we think they're "ready."

How a Specific Reading Challenge Expanded My Horizons

How one reader's decision to read only books by black authors for a year (and blog about it) changed her life.

5 Fictional Black Women I Want in My Girl Squad

We want to be best friends with these women, please and thank you.