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Alex Acks

Alex Acks is a writer, geologist, and sharp-dressed sir. They've written for Six to Start and been published in Strange Horizons, Lightspeed, Shimmer, Daily Science Fiction, and more. Alex lives in Denver with their two furry little bastards, where they twirl their mustache, watch movies, and bike. Twitter: @katsudonburi Website:

Hugo Awards Rules 2017: The Wonkening

A nitty gritty (and wonky) explanation of the new rules for the Hugo Awards nomination process and prizes.

7 Ways to Support Your Favorite Authors

Easy things to do to make your favorite authors' day!

Choose a Better Chosen One

The Chosen One trope too commonly chooses characters with no redeeming or interesting qualities.

How Deadlines Put My Reading Habits into Overdrive

A Rioter on the importance of a reading deadline and the benefits of using the Overdrive library app.

Star Wars: Still Disappointingly Heterosexual

While queer people are at long last allowed to exist in the Star Wars universe, they’ve been exiled to the margins of the property.

Keep Your @ to Yourself

Stop tweeting authors negative reviews of their work.

Solidarity Forever Reading List: Labor History

Books on the history of American labor.

The Hugo Report: Finalists 2017

How changes to the nominating rules for the Hugo awards shook out this year.

Speculative Fiction on Tap: Pairing Beer and Books

Excellent sci-fi and fantasy reads, and the beers you should drink while you read them.

The Hollow Woman: Female Characters in Science Fiction

A call for more rich female characters with their own motivations and backstories in sci-fi.