Aldalyn Eleanor Ross

Aldalyn grew up with a bunch of weird siblings who expressed themselves by literally joining the circus. Since Aldalyn feared heights and most forms of physical exertion, they became a writer instead. They read, scribble, and enable young word lovers in Newark, NJ, where they are affectionately known as Mx. Aly, Library Unicorn. Find them on social media @mx_alycorn

Dear Mom: Here’s Why You Should Have Let Me Read the Baby-Sitters Club Books

A reader writes a letter to their mom on why The Baby-Sitters Club books should not have been off-limits in their childhood.

Tales of a Library Unicorn: A Magic Spell to Find Any Kid a Book

This librarian has some magic tricks that'll help you find the right books for any young library patron, including reluctant readers.

Tales of a Library Unicorn: The Froot Loop Alliance of Library Alicorns

What happened when one librarian experienced transphobia on the internet, and how the Froot Loop Alliance of Library Alicorns was born.

Read Harder: A Romance by a Trans and/or Nonbinary Author

In this Read Harder Challenge post, we're recommending books for the task asking you to read a romance by a trans and/or nonbinary author.

10 Inclusive Children’s Holiday Books for the Most Wonderful Storytimes of the Year

If you're looking for some great, seasonal story time reads for kids, check out these inclusive children's holiday books.

Tales of a Library Unicorn: The Children in Conflict

On the numerous (sometimes baffling) ways young library patrons lash out at each other, and how one librarian resolves these spats.

Tales of a Library Unicorn: In Which the Children Resist Structure

A children's librarian recounts the ways in which the library's younger patrons resist structure and act out in often humorous ways.

Tales of a Library Unicorn: In Which the Children Misunderstand Libraries

A librarian recounts giving an education on libraries and the book check out process to a young library patron.

Tales of a Library Unicorn: In Which Mx. Aly is Introduced

How does a librarian introduce patrons, including kids, to themself when they're transnonbinary with they/them pronouns? Here's one tale.

Who’s the Bright Star Now? On Reclaiming Straight Love Poems for Queer Lovemaking

"Donne was not thinking of me, a transnonbinary bisexual glitter boi who was assigned female in 1988, when he wrote 'She’s all states, and all princes, I.'"

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