Riot Headline 10 Exciting Books to Read this Summer

Abby Hargreaves

Abby Hargreaves is a New Hampshire native living and working as a Children’s Librarian in Washington, D.C. She fulfills the gamut of the librarian stereotype with a love of cats, coffee, and crocheting (and likes a good run of alliteration). Her MLIS degree enjoys the company of a BA in English from Hollins University, making Abby an advocate of women's universities. Her favorite color is yellow.

Why Are Libraries Important and More: An Autocomplete Survey

You know those celebrity videos by WIRED where they have a cute little poster with questions from Google’s autocomplete? I ...

Author Authority and When You Learn to Read Critically

With the “Fake News” movement, information literacy and critical reading skills are more indispensable and important than ever.

What’s Your Earliest Reading Memory? Tayari Jones Wants to Know

When Tayari Jones asked Twitter to share their earliest reading memory--memories of reading or being read to--readers rose to the occasion.

THE RAINBOW FISH by Marcus Pfister Is Actually Pretty Messed Up

If you were a child in the last three decades, chances are pretty high you had at least one encounter ...

Why I Became a Librarian: 32 Reasons from Twitter

Andy Woodworth is kind of a big deal in the world of libraries. He’s been listed as a Library Journal ...

Robert Frost Farm and the Importance of Literary Sites

The summer before I went to college, I had this ridiculous idea that I would write letters and hide them on the Robert Frost Farm property.

Only ’90s Kids Will Remember These Books from the ’90s

Nearly twenty years since the last of the '90s, it’s time to look back at some of the great children's books from the 90s some of us may remember.

Reading While Chronically Ill or, the Books Will Wait

Reading while chronically ill (or grieving, which can sometimes feel very similar) doesn’t always work -- and that doesn’t make you less of a reader.

Quiz: What Romantic YA Book Should You Read Next?

This autumn, take our quiz to find out which sweet and romantic YA book you will fall in love with to keep cozy and warm.

Do You Know These First Lines? A Guess the Book Quiz

If you consider yourself a capital-R Reader, put yourself to the test with this guess the book quiz. We triple dog dare you.