August 2016 Book of the Month: VISION, vol. 1: LITTLE WORSE THAN A MAN
Later this month on Oh, Comics! we’re discussing Vision, vol. 1: Little Worse Than a Man by Tom King, Gabriel Hernandez Walta, and Jordie Bellaire!
The Vision wants to be human, and what’s more human than family? So he heads back to the beginning, to the laboratory where Ultron created him and molded him into a weapon. The place where he first rebelled against his given destiny and imagined that he could be more -that he could be a man. There, he builds them. A wife, Virginia. Two teenage twins, Viv and Vin. They look like him. They have his powers. They share his grandest ambition -or is that obsession? -the unrelenting need to be ordinary. Behold the Visions!
Join the discussion, and we’ll see you later this month!