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Literary Pet Names: Exotic Pet Edition

Derek Attig

Staff Writer

Derek works in graduate student career development and is (believe it or not) one of the world's foremost experts on the history of bookmobiles. Follow Derek on Twitter @bookmobility and on Instagram @bookmobility.

While we at the Riot take some time off to rest and catch up on our reading, we’re re-running some of our favorite posts from the last several months. Enjoy our highlight reel, and we’ll be back with new stuff on Monday, January 11th.

This post originally ran September 18, 2015.

So far, Book Riot has you covered if you want a literary pet name for your cat or for your dog. But what to do if you’re looking for a literary pet name for your rabbit or snake or angelfish or anole or tarantula or parakeet or whatever other slightly-less-standard pet you’re welcoming into your household?

Well, that’s where this post comes in. Welcome to a not-even-close-to-comprehensive-but-pretty-extensive-and-a-little-bit-weird list of literary pet names for the “exotic” animals in your life. For each type of pet, you’ll find both a list of great, “obvious” choices and a list of other literary names that might fit your little critter. Enjoy, and be sure to share more ideas in the comments!


Literary Pet Names for Rodents and Rodent-Like Creatures (mice, rats, hamsters, rabbits, chinchillas, guinea pigs, ferrets, hedgehogs, and other wee furries)

ObviousTempleton, Peter, Fiber, Mrs. Pricklepants, Blackberry, Stuart, General Woundwort, Bianca, Prince Rainbow, Gwin, Mrs. Frisby, Bernard, Bayham Badger, Beatrix, Ratty, Benjamin, Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle, Vervain, Wilbur, The Mouse, Wormtail, Hyzenthlay, Bigwig

Other: Dorrit, Oliver, Mrs. Kidgerbury, Mr. Pumblechook, Nymphadora, Arthur, Bill, Charlie, Fred, George, Ginny, Molly, Percy, Ron, Gobbo, Elbow, Snare, Enobarbus,


Literary Pet Names for Birds (parakeets, parrots, finches, and other birds of a feather)

Obvious: Chanticleer, Fawkes, Mabel, Pickwick, Hedwig, Pertelote, Jonathan Livingston, Chil, Archimedes, Thorondor, Anne Chickenstalker, Flora Finching, Poe, Nevermore

Other: Mr. Grimwig, Bellatrix, Mr. Wopsle, The Zephyr, Bartemius, Brabantio, Lord Fitzwalter, Florizel, Holofernes, The Earl of Huntingdon (ideal for a hawk or falcon, obviously), Enefa


snake with hypnotic eyes from the jungle bookLiterary Pet Names for Reptiles and Amphibians (snakes, lizards, frogs, toads, salamanders, newts and other things scaly and/or slimy)

Obvious: Nagini, Kaa, Mr Crowly, Liz, Mr Toad, Trevor, Frog Thor, Newt Scamander

Other: Mr. Sowerberry, Molly, Xenophilius, Mr. M’Choakumchild, Titus, Millicent Bulstrode, Desdemona (natural for a boa constrictor), Perdita, Horatio, Imogen, Priam, Wart

Literary Pet Names for Spiders/Insects (tarantulas, scorpions, and other creepy crawlies)

Obvious: Shelob, Aragog, Charlotte, Ungoliant, Jiminy (or The Talking Cricket), Gregor, Franz, .303, Fafnir, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Aesop, Cobweb

Other: Bumble, Marvolo, Captain Cuttle (perfect for a scorpion), Salazar, Beadle, Vincent Crabbe, Mistress Quickly, Fang, Gertrude


Literary Pet Names for Fish (and others of the sea)

Obvious: Salmon Rushdie, Terrible Dogfish, Moby, Dick, Ahab, Irion, Jonah, Nemo, William Guppy, Proulx, Pern, Bastard John, The Little Mermaid, The Sea Witch, One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish

Other: Grewgious, Smike, Tartar, Sturgis, Yaxley, The Boatswain, Laertes, Cimber, Escalus, Scroop, Hal, Lodovico, Ursula, Zhakkarn, Ruby Red