Let This Hidden Manifesto Inspire You to Read More
You know how you have all these books that you buy and always mean to read but never seem to get around to? And that creeping way Facebook and Twitter seem to have of taking up more and more of your time?
Yeah, me too.I often catch myself whiling away the evening hours on the sofe, phone in hand, scrolling through my Facebook feed. I really should be reading. Last year, for instance, I bought a great boatload of short fiction that I've still not managed to read my way through.
One of those books is The Best American Short Stories 2014.
I picked it up today and right away, in the foreword by Heidi Pitlor, cleverly inserted in anecdotes about writing and short fiction in general, I was able to pick out a sort of book-lover manifesto for our times. It is inspiring and uplifting and made me want to storm a bookstore and buy everything. I somehow included myself with the professions in the first quote. We, the book-lovers, are, after all, trendsetters in the world of books. Yes, that means you too, dear Bookriot reader.
So here, let Heidi Pitlor's words inspire you to read.
Tell your friends about great books they should read. Ask your coworkers what they are reading. Put your phone down. And please, do yourself the favor of reading something by an author of color.
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