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Book Fetish

Make Your (Book)Mark: 15 Bookish Craft Kits to Bring Out Your Creative Side

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Isabelle Popp

Senior Contributor

Isabelle Popp has written all sorts of things, ranging from astrophysics research articles and math tests to crossword puzzles and poetry. These days she's writing romance. When she's not reading or writing, she's probably knitting or scouring used book stores for vintage gothic romance paperbacks. Originally from New York, she's as surprised as anyone that she lives in Bloomington, Indiana.

If there’s anything I’m likely to drop money on as much as books, it’s craft supplies. I’ve never met a craft I don’t like. That’s not entirely true. Crafts that involve stuff that’s scary sharp or hot, like stained glass or glass blowing, are ones I prefer to admire from afar and purchase from skilled artists. So today, I present you with a plethora of craft projects that require very few safety precautions.

I personally love a kit. You don’t have to search out supplies for a project or buy more than you will use. They are the ideal way to test the waters of a craft. Naturally, books and crafts pair beautifully as well. Making crafts can be a way of expressing one’s identity as a reader. Many crafts are useful while reading, like a bookmark or a quilt to snuggle under. And if you listen to audiobooks, crafting while reading is the best of all possible worlds. It’s the world where you’ll find me as often as humanly possible.

I chose a wide range of crafts. Some are perfectly kid friendly, great for party favors or a rainy day activity. Others are meant to inspire people a little further along on their crafty journey, those with some expertise under their belt. Some of the projects are related to particular literary fandoms, and others just shout about a love of reading in general. Taking the time to make something is an act that can connect us to our own sense of creativity as well as the talented craftspeople who’ve carried traditions in the generations before us. So I deeply hope there’s something here that inspires you.

kit for a cross stitch bookshelf reading tracker

If you like cross stitching and making note of what you read, this kit to create a reading tracker is perfect. You can customize your kit based on your reading goal as well as tracking genres, ratings, or kinds of reading. Starting at $31.

small wooden loom for making woven bookmarks

Weaving a bookmark is a snap on this little loom. Select from rainbow, neon paradise, or fairy dust yarn bundles to get you started. $35.

miniature room that fits among books on a bookshelf

There are lots of book nook kits available on Etsy, but the Gothic arch and the warm glow of this one intrigues me. $68.

hafiz quote embroidery

Literary quotes make for great embroidery. This mystical monochrome kit celebrates the beloved Persian poet Hafiz. $28

needle punched scene from the little prince

Punch needle is another fairly easy craft to the get the hang of, and one that’s been blowing up since the start of the pandemic. You can start with this serene scene from The Little Prince. $50.

miniature bookstore

You’ll need to supply some common tools like scissors and a utility knife to make this miniature bookstore, but I can guarantee you’ll have oodles of fun admiring all the details as they come together. $43.

quilt made to look like alternating stacks of books and book covers

What’s especially amazing about the kit for this book nook quilt is that the fabrics that come with it are Little Women and Emma inspired. $80.

peter rabbit made from wool felt

Needle felting is a very satisfying craft in which you get to take out frustrations by stabbing something one million times. Then you get something cute out of it, like this Peter Rabbit! $14.

wooden booksmarks to embroider

If embroidering a blank piece of fabric stresses you out, a more connect-the-dots approach might work better for you. This wooden bookmark kit is perfect for a beginner. $16 with thread included.

bookbinding supplies

Are you intrigued by the idea of making a hardcover book from scratch? Give it a try with this complete bookbinding kit. $48

louisa may alcott quote embroidery

Nothing is more relatable than this Louisa May Alcott quote. Let everyone know you’re too fond of books with this embroidery kit. $20.

kit for making an acrylic bookmark with beaded tassel

What’s cool about these kid-friendly bookmark kits is the personalization option. So everyone who never found their name on keychains, pencils, or novelty license plates can rejoice. $10.

needlepoint jane austen portrait

Doing needlepoint on a printed or painted canvas means no counting stitches. Basically just vibing. This needlepoint portrait of Jane Austen would make an amazing pillow. $65.

crochet kit to make an anne shirley doll

If you or someone you know likes amigurumi — the art of small, stuffed crochet creatures — making an Anne Shirley doll would be an amazing accomplishment. $55.

miniature pop up book that is a haunted house

If you are curious about how pop-up books work, wonder no more. You can create a miniature pop-up book that expands 360 degrees into an especially cute little horror house. $14

Maybe you need some crafty books to go with these kits. We’ve got more than 25 of the best craft books as well as recommendations on easy-to-learn crafts. Now it’s time to get crafty!