Quiz: Could You Win Literary WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE?
There’s nothing quite like watching Jeopardy or Who Wants To Be a Millionaire? and actually knowing some of the answers — especially if the contestants get it wrong. “I could be on this show,” I think, conveniently forgetting that for every 1 right answer I yell at the TV, there are 10 questions I couldn’t even guess at. The one place I can compete, though, are those precious bookish or literary questions. I don’t get them all right, but I can compete with the contestants, which is good enough for me.
If you’ve ever thought that you could bring home the jackpot on a trivia show, provided it was all literary questions, here’s a challenge for you. These are all questions that were either on Who Wants To Be a Millionaire? or were written by show’s team as examples. They range from the classics to kidlit to books in pop culture.
Oh, and one other piece of good news: LeVar Burton is working on his own bookish game show! So hold on to your dreams of being the last book nerd standing!
In the meantime, you can test your mettle with these Millionaire questions. Just like the show, they start off easy and get harder. Good luck!
Can’t get enough book trivia? Try these 125 Literary Jeopardy Answers To Test Your Bookish Trivia and Even More Literary Jeopardy To Test Your Bookish Knowledge.