Why I Read Romance Novels
This is a guest post from Natalya Muncuff. Natalya is the head book nerd in charge at TheIslandReader.com. When she is not adding to her enormous book collection or stationery supply, she is somehow keeping track of the countless television shows she insists needs to be watched. You can follow her rantings and occasional sparks of brilliance on Twitter @NatalyaMuncuff.
Romance is my favorite genre. One of the first books I remember being drawn to was a Brenda Jackson novel, and I have been hooked ever since.
I have to admit that I’ve caught flack in the past for liking this genre as much as I do. There are quite a few avid readers that scoff when they hear that romance novels are my favorite genre. Those opinions don’t bother me much anymore, as I will not apologize for my love of well, love.
There’s just something about those mass market paperbacks (my fellow romance lovers know what I’m talking about!) that I cannot leave alone. For those of you who think many women have really started to read romance after the Fifty Shades of Grey phenomenon, I am here to tell you that you’re wrong. I’ve had Harlequin and Kimani romance novels with cowboys and shirtless men on the cover for many, many years.
There are many reasons why I read romance novels. They are a great form of escapism. It’s a nice way to pass the time and become wrapped up in a story that is almost guaranteed to have a happy ending. Our lives don’t always have a happily ever after, but when I read my favorite Rochelle Alers novel, I know I’ll leave satisfied. These novels are a great way to leave your troubles at the door if only for a few hours. I can become so focused on the protagonist’s life or romantic troubles, that I forgot what had me so sidetracked or annoyed before reading.
Romance novels can be the perfect wind down after a rough day. If you have never stayed in bed on a rainy or snowy day with a good book then I can’t trust you. When I read fiction books, I want to travel to new places, be thoroughly entertained, and feel at least two different emotions. Good romance novels do that for me every time.
Why do I read romance novels? Above all, I read romance novels because I simply love love. While I may not be in love at the time I read the book or necessarily believe in love at first sight, I love to be swept away by someone else’s fictional love story.
Why do you read romance novels?