How To

How to Keep Up With New Book Releases

It can be daunting keeping up with new book releases. So many new books come out EVERY! WEEK! (every Tuesday, to be precise) and there's so much information and so little time and *hyperventilates*. Have no fear. We're here to help. Here are nine places to help you keep up with new releases and find your next favorite book.

Book Riot Insiders

You would not believe how beautiful the New Releases Index is. We have a demo so you can try before you buy, but here's the gist: Our intrepid book curators load up all the info (title, author, cover, price, page count, synopsis, etc.) on forthcoming books to this database. You can sort by genre, or change the filters to show books you've you've previously marked, have been recently added, are trending, or—my favorite—books that Liberty has extreme heart-eyes for. This is by far the best way to keep track of new book releases and what you're looking out for. And I'm not just saying that.


The behemoth Amazon, of course, has a huge catalog of new releases. The list is focused more on new and future bestsellers, rather than a more complete look at what is new or forthcoming right now. But it's still a good list, Brent. You can also sort by genre to narrow down your lists.

Barnes & Noble

Barnes & Noble's new book releases list defaults to showing bestsellers first, but there's a dropdown menu where you can change the list to view by newest (with "available for pre-order" links!), price, or alphabetical order. The list also has ribbons showing bestsellers and books with exclusive B&N content.


If you don't want to be looking at new releases on a retailer's site, Goodreads is the place to go. The glory of Goodreads is that the new releases page defaults to books by authors you already have on your shelves. You can also view all the new releases coming out that month, sorted by average rating/number of ratings.

Publishers Weekly

Every season, Publishers Weekly publishes a list of the top books coming out for each genre. Poetry, mystery/thriller, romance, etc. They also have various free newsletters to keep up with new releases and other industry information.

Shelf Awareness

Shelf Awareness posts all kinds of book content, and also sends out two weekly email newsletters, listing the best 25 books coming out that week. And the newsletters are tailored for two different kinds of subscribers: average readers and industry insiders.

Rich in Color

This. Site. Is. Beautiful. The focus is young adult books (fiction and nonfiction) by and about people of color. Mostly they publish reviews of new and upcoming books, but they also have a handy release calendar.

Bustle Books

Bustle Books does some really great work, from lists of new releases to longform pieces about how books touch our world.

Buzzfeed Books

You have to do some digging through quizzes and nostalgia posts to find the new releases, but Buzzfeed Books does do a roundup of new books each season.

But Wait, There's More! Publishers' Sites

A number of publishers also have their own websites to promote their new releases. Penguin-Random House has Read It Forward, HarperCollins has EpicReads (with a focus on YA), Simon & Schuster has Off the Shelf, and so, so many more.

You can also find your favorite authors and publishers online, and see if they have newsletters or social accounts you can follow for more direct alerts!

And if you need even more help keeping up with new book releases, check out this post with loads of Booktubers, podcasts, newsletters, and more to follow.