Erotic Fantasy Books to Get Your Heart Racing
I acknowledge that the majority of erotica out there is fantasy, as in, they are all made up stories; however, the erotic fantasy we’re talking about here is science fiction and fantasy. Wreckless royals and mischievous faeries, captivating aliens and naughty gods. With the availability of endless power, supernatural beings, and settings beyond this world, the possibilities in erotic fantasy are as infinite as the author’s imagination.
Erotic Fantasy Series
Sleeping Beauty Trilogy by A. N. Roquelaure
A classic of erotic fantasy, this trilogy follows Beauty, who has been awakened by a prince and is taken away to his kingdom for erotic servitude. This series holds a special place in my heart, which I wrote about here.
A Kiss of Shadows (Merry Gentry, Book 1) by Laurell K. Hamilton
In the first of a nine-book series, we meet Meredith “Merry” Gentry, a private investigator who is really faerie royalty in hiding. She uses her magic to help in the human world and yes, there is plenty of erotic fantasy to be had.
Dawn (Xenogenesis, Book 1) by Octavia Butler
Humans destroy Earth through war and are saved by an alien race, the Oankali, who keep the humans asleep for hundreds of years while the Earth returns to habitability. The Oankali survive by mating with primitive civilizations, and so they will breed with the human race. Though more science fiction than erotica, I definitely think that it has enough erotic fantasy elements to be included.
Erotic Fantasy Short Stories
Legends of Lust (coming in January 2019) by Autumn Bardot
This collection of fourteen erotic retellings of some favorite myths promises to take you on a sexy world-tour of erotic fantasy. Tales of Odysseus, Hippolyta, Gilgamesh, and more will seduce readers from cover to cover.
Best Erotic Fantasy & Science Fiction edited by Cecilia Tan (Kindle Only)
Readers have described the stories in this collection as dark, explicit, subversive, and emotional. The stories, while all fitting within the erotic fantasy umbrella, are each vastly different from one another and offer a wide range of encounters.
Thrones of Desire: Erotic Tales of Swords, Mist and Fire Edited by Mitzi Szereto
Inspired by Game of Thrones, this erotic fantasy collection has an abundance of mythical creatures, royalty, maidens, and rogues. Sorcery, secrets, seduction, and plenty of sex, these stories are sure to get your imagination running wild.
Bonus novel for fun:
Monster Whisperer by Nobilis Reed
Nobilis Reed is the creative behind the Nobilis Erotica Podcast (yes, erotica podcasts are a thing). In this erotic science fiction novel, we follow Dale Clearwater, aka the Monster Whisperer, on her adventures in rehabilitating monsters and training the humans who love them. She definitely has a way with tentacle monsters, if that’s what you're into.
Looking for more erotic fantasy? Check out these posts on Horror Erotica of the '80s and '90s and Erotic Fairy Tales.