2018 Lambda Literary Award Winners Announced

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Rah Froemming-Carter

Staff Writer

Rah Froemming-Carter is a British introvert with perhaps too much time on their hands. This time gets filled attempting to devour as many books as possible in a constant struggle to read more than they buy. In between reading these assorted tomes and comic books they might be found blogging, writing first drafts of fantasy novels, or knitting oversized scarves. A firm believer in filling life with things they can get excited about, Rah directs this passion towards a plethora of topics including feminism, philosophy, queer representation, Victorian culture, and Harry Potter. One day they plan to finish writing that novel, and to take up beekeeping. Blog: Schrodinger's Triceratops Twitter: triceratops23

Last night the 30th annual Lambda Literary Award winners were announced. Lambda Literary is the United States’ leading organisation advancing LGBTQ literature. Listed below are this year's winning LGBTQ books and writers. An [*] denotes an author/contributors of colour, and a [#] denotes a transgender author/contributors.

Lambda Literary logo

Lambda Trustee Award

Winner: Roxanne Gay *. Roxanne Gay is an African-American bisexual writer, professor, editor, and commentator. Her books include Hunger and An Untamed State.

Lambda Visionary Award

Winner: Edmund White. Edmund White is a white American gay novelist, essayist, and memoirist. His works include A Boy’s Own Story and The Joy of Gay Sex.

Her Body and Other Parties by Carmen Maria MachadoLesbian Fiction

Her Body and Other Parties by Carmen Maria Machado * (Magical Realism; Short Stories)

Gay Fiction

After the Blue Hour by John Rechy (Literary Fiction)


Bisexual Fiction

The Gift by Barbara Browning (Contemporary Fiction)

Book cover: Transcendent 2TRANSGender Fiction

Transcendent 2: The Year’s Best Transgender Speculative Fiction edited by Bogi Takács * # (Speculative Fiction; Short Stories)


LGBTQ Nonfiction

How We Get Free: Black Feminism and the Combahee River Collective by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor * (Historical Non-fiction)

Transgender Nonfiction

Black on Both Sides: A Racial History of Trans Identity by C. Riley Snorton * # (Historical Non-fiction)

Lesbian Poetry

Rock / Salt / Stone by Rosamond S. King * (Poetry)

Gay Poetry

While Standing in Line for Death by C.A. Conrad (Poetry)

Transgender Poetry

recombinant by Ching-In Chen * # (Poetry)

Lesbian Mystery

Huntress by A.E. Radley (Mystery, Humour)

Gay Mystery

Night Drop by Marshall Thornton (Mystery, Suspense)

Lesbian Memoir/Biography

The Fact of a Body: A Murder and a Memoir by Alexandria Marzano-Lesnevich (Memoir, True Crime)

Gay Memoir/Biography

Book cover: Lives of Great MenLives of Great Men: Living and Loving as an African Gay Man by Chike Frankie Edozien * (Memoir)


Lesbian Romance

Tailor-Made by Yolanda Wallace * (Romance, Contemporary)

Gay Romance

Love and Other Hot Beverages by Laurie Loft (Romance, Contemporary, M/M written by a woman)

LGBTQ Erotica

Book cover: His SeedHis Seed: An Arboretum of Erotica edited by Steve Berman (Erotica; Short Stories)


LGBTQ Anthology

¡Cuéntamelo! Oral Histories by LGBT Latino Immigrants by Juliana Delgado Lopera * (Non-fiction)

LGBTQ Children’s/Young Adult

Like Water by Rebecca Podos (YA, Romance)


The Gulf by Audrey Cefaly and Samuel French (Play)

LGBTQ Graphic Novels

My Favourite Thing is Monsters by Emil Ferris (Horror)


Autonomous by Annalee Newitz # (Science fiction; Dystopia)

LGBTQ Studies

Punishing Disease: HIV and the Criminalisation of Sickness by Trevor Hoppe (Non-fiction, History)