Nikki VanRy is a proud resident of Arizona, where she gets to indulge her love of tacos, desert storms, and tank tops. She also writes for the Tucson Festival of Books, loves anything sci-fi/fantasy/historical, drinks too much chai, and will spend all day in bed reading thankyouverymuch. Follow her on Instagram @nikki.vanry.
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There’s been a spate of bookish emoji posts over the last few weeks. Slate covered some great first lines of classic novels. BuzzFeed gave a fun run-down of the book emoji world.
We thought we’d jump in on the action with our own Book Riot spin, of course. Since the Apple Watch will be showing off its own condensed (animated!) versions of emoji, so too could we condense.
So too could we make emoji stronger through simplification.
So too could we make sense of long-winded classics in four emoji or fewer. (Okay, yeah, we’re totally the only ones doing such a ridiculous thing, natch.)
1. 100 Years of Solitude:
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2. A Midsummer Night’s Dream:
3. Anna Karenina:
4. Animal Farm:
5. Atlas Shrugged
6. Beloved:
7. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas:
8. Grapes of Wrath:
9. The Great Gatsby:
10. Les Misérables:
11. Lord of the Flies:
12. The Lord of the Rings:
13. Mrs. Dalloway:
14. Of Mice and Men:
15. The Old Man and the Sea:
16. Pride and Prejudice:
17. The Stand:
18. To Kill a Mockingbird:
19. Ulysses:
20. Watership Down:
Yeah, we went there. You got some of your own?