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We’re Celebrating YA Fantasy Week!



Always books. Never boring.

Whether you grew up wanting to be a monster girl, hoping to find the portal to a fantasy world, or wishing magic existed in the modern world, this is your week. We’re celebrating all things young adult and fantasy during YA Fantasy Week!

Grab your broomstick, your wand, or your crown, and experience magic on the page. You can come back here for new YA Fantasy content as it goes up each day this week:

Dragons, Magic, and Studying for Algebra: YA Fantasy Books Set in the Modern World

YA books with a traditional fantasy setting are everywhere, but what about YA fantasy books set in the modern world? We examine two such books in this post.

15 Must-Read Queer YA Fantasy Books

Explore new and fantastic worlds and find LGBTQ+ characters represented on the page with these must-read queer YA fantasy books!